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Newport operates under the council-manager form of government. Under this form of governance the Town Council is elected by the people, and serves as the final authority on policy matters relating to Newport's government operations. The Town Council employs a professional full-time City/Town Manager to handle the day-to-day management and operations of the Town. 

The Mayor acts as the official head of the government and spokesperson for the Council. The Mayor presides at all Town Council meetings and signs all documents authorized by the Council. The Mayor Pro Tem is selected by each newly-elected Council. This person assumes mayoral duties in the absence of the Mayor.

The Mayor and City Council are responsible for establishing general policies for the operation of the Town as well as appointing the City/Town Manager, and Town Clerk, Tax Administrator, Chief of Police, and members of the volunteer Boards and Commissions. The Council enacts ordinances, resolutions, and orders; adopts the annual budget and approves the financing of all Town operations.

The Mayor and Town Council Members serve four-year terms with non-partisan elections held every other November, in odd years. Candidates run for office under a system electing five Council Members and the Mayor at-large.

Regular Town Council meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm.

Please note that any and all correspondence to and from the e-mail addresses of the elected officials is subject to North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.

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Dennis Barber

ph: 252-725-3377

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Brenda C. Harris

ph: 252-241-6249

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Tristan Thomas



ph: 252-269-9841

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Mark D. Eadie

ph: 252-725-2087


Timmy Quillen

ph: 252-725-4026

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Ralph Williams, Jr.


ph: 252-646-5558

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